All Courses

NOTE: The course listed here were taped at Regent University. Course material is focused on Green Cross however some discussions will sometimes include spiritual discussions and an opening prayer due to the orientation of the University. As other sites develop online training, those will also be listed on this page in the future.

Assessment & Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
This training addresses assessment, treatment and diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder. Public domain assessment and current intervention treatment strategies explored in relation to disaster and chronic trauma. (1 month access to complete course)
PTSD Post-Traumatic acute stress stress trauma flashbacks memory intrusion hyper vigilance
Child & Adolescent Trauma
This CE discusses diagnosis and DSM changes about child and adolescent trauma disorders. Attention is focused at treatment issues, treatment modalities, and the effects of crisis and disaster trauma versus long term chronic trauma. Specific intervention modalities are taught for skills development.
PTSD acute stress trauma child adolescent dissociation post-traumatic stress disorder Reactive attachment disorder mood dysregulation disorder repetitive play
Compassion Fatigue Educator
This CE emphasizes self-care strategies for those working in short term and long term disaster and traumatic environments. Emphasis is placed on skills acquisition for self-regulation of mood, and self-monitoring. Recommended for mental health professions, first responders, and volunteers. This training contains approximately 6.5 hours of video content.
PTSD acute stress trauma post-traumatic stress disorder compassion fatigue compassion fatigue vicarious trauma self-care burn out wellness relaxation
Compassion Fatigue Practitioner
This CE builds on the compassion fatigue educator course to be able to monitor and care for those responding or working with crisis, disaster, terrorism, or chronic trauma. Assessment and practical skill are emphasized with self-care and wellness strategies for continuing effective intervention. This training contains approximately 5 hours of video content.
PTSD acute stress post-traumatic stress disorder compassion fatigue compassion fatigue vicarious trauma self-care burn out wellness relaxation secondary trauma
Disaster Trauma (Field Traumatologist)
In this CE course emphasis is placed on stages of disaster working within the incident command system and the needs of survivors. Practical application and response is highlighted. NOTE: Anyone that registers for this course will have 1 month from the registration date to complete this course.
trauma field traumatology survivors victims recovery crisis crisis intervention mitigation FEMA helping others incident command system stages of disaster traumatologist
Grief & Loss
This course focuses on clearly understanding the differences between grief and the multiplicity of loss. Emphasis is placed on intervention strategies for working with survivors of trauma and understand the emotional and behavioral signs of recovery. (1 month access to complete course)
grief loss mourning bereavement death process sadness sorrow
Psychological First Aid
The focus of psychological first aid is to understand the wide range of needs of survivors across the developmental life span. Emphasis is placed on cultural awareness, flexible methodology, and research best practices. (1 month access to complete course)
recovery crisis intervention incident command system psychological aid psychological first aid special populations cultural needs disaster terrorism staging areas emergency operational center psychological outreach
Sexual Trauma
This course initially focuses on dysfunctional family systems and how incest and molestation alter the family structure in harmful ways. This course will also look at typical diagnostic categories stemming from sexual trauma and discuss therapeutic strategies for recovery and healing.
dissociation post-traumatic stress disorder borderline personality disorder dissociative identity incest molestation dysfunctional family cognitive distortion integration child abuse sexual abuse
Treating Traumatized Families
To provide professionals with the tools necessary to understand the process by which the traumatized systems and children are assessed, diagnosed, and treated. Particular emphasis is placed on traumatized military families. (1 month access to complete course)
PTSD Post-Traumatic acute stress trauma post-traumatic stress disorder crisis intervention systems therapeutic models disaster intervention effects of trauma