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Video Presentation (Parts 1-3)
Treating Traumatized Families Evaluation

Treating Traumatized Families
To provide professionals with the tools necessary to understand the process by which the traumatized systems and children are assessed, diagnosed, and treated. Particular emphasis is placed on traumatized military families. (1 month access to complete course)
To provide professionals with the tools necessary to understand the process by which the traumatized systems and children are assessed, diagnosed, and treated. Particular emphasis is placed on traumatized military families.
NOTE: In registering for this course you will have access to its contents for 1 month starting from the registration date. You must complete the course within 1 month of your registration date.
Students will...
- Determine and build upon traumatized children, families, and other systems’ strengths and deficits that can be addressed by traumatology interventions;
- Learn about ways of thinking about the trauma induction and reduction process affecting families, children and systems;
- How resiliency and stress reductions are determined in part by the history and social resources of the traumatized system;
- How to classify the presenting symptoms of the traumatized system and determine the best intervention approach from an array of approaches, and;
- The pitfalls to burnout and secondary trauma (compassion fatigue)
The course will also consider the variations in culture, ethnic, gender, age, and social status as it applies to various treatment approaches which should not be applied.